The day was Tuesday, December 31, 2024. A video goes viral very fast in which it is shown that an alien UFO has crashed in Arizona, America and some aliens are taken into their custody by scientists. This type of video is being watched today. This video is being spread in many countries during this time, so after doing a lot of research, it becomes known whether it is true.
On Tuesday, December 31, 2024, this video of an alien ship is being spread widely on platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, which are completely fake videos. Still no UFO nor any alien has been detected on Earth. The video has been created by a smart AI and shared on an Instagram page named sybervisions_, which was widely spread by some people calling it real, due to which it became a topic of discussion.
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Viral video of alien in India
People from some places in India like Rajasthan uploaded this video on their Instagram by putting wrong subtitles in it, after which some people thought it to be true and many people started uploading it on their social media, even Apart from this video, other videos created by AI started linking this incident to this incident. In the subtitle of the original video it is written Shoking UFO Crash in arizona but below the subtitle of that video.